пʼятниця, 24 квітня 2015 р.



Feedback for 1st year student

In my opinion, the course of the Vocabulary of Modern English is highly effective for students of our department. Besides, I’m sure that the second year of studying is an appropriate time for this subject, because the course makes  a useful contribution in contribution in enriching our vocabulary, but it acquires not only knowledge, it gives us the experience as well.
To start with, you’ll take advantage of working in class as it shows how to work in groups and overcome your personal fears connecting with our perforating skills, maybe discover some effective ways of remarkable achievements in learning new words. As for me, if you have a sense of responsibility and settle down regular preparing for the classes, you’ll enjoy the fruits of this hard work at the end of the course anyway. Believe me, that flicking through the words and hoping that you are so brainy will lead you to a spectacular failure.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that you have to burn the midnight oil while cramming, but you should be quite determined and considered in order to pass exams with flying results. You should take to this course at the beginning of the term and keep in mind that if you want to have top marks, you have to set high standards for yourself and try to make a breakthrough. Otherwise, you are running the risk of falling behind with this subject.  What’s more, doing the course of the Vocabulary of English you’ll keep up with technical methods of learning. Frankly, I was skeptical about it, I mean doing tasks in the Internet and social networks, but now I understand that it produces great results as I can manage with different online tools and develop my writing skills.
However, the most difficult moments are, of course, during brainstorming topics and words for an exam. I had a tendency to lose my patience, be tense and think that everything will go badly wrong. It seems to me that setting exams always gives such impression of uncertainty, so keep calm and take it easy.

To sum up, the course of the Vocabulary of Modern English will give you a practice of studying language, the rich vocabulary that will be full of numerous phrases and collocations, and you’ll remember it thanks to entertaining with group mates while preparing the variety of creative tasks. Just be optimistic and persistent and the great success is guaranteed.

A sound mind in a sound body

It is said that “Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”I suppose each of us is in favor of this state. Although, being a student, it demands real efforts to keep your body healthy and it is a real concern for us. It’s a common knowledge than studying, doing scientific work and attending different courses take a lot of time, that’s why we almost don’t have time to take care about our health. Taking all these factors into consideration, there are a lot of problems.
To start with, students have a lot of problems with nourishment. We are what we eat, so let’s have second thoughts and analyze how much we should change. Almost every day we eat different junk food and ready meals in cafes. Sometimes during the day we can’t go without it, when there are too many classes and you are dying of hunger. Then, having returned home there is another problem. We usually overeat having dinner with saturated fats and cholesterol. As a result, we are running the risk of suffering different serious illnesses. The most widespread consequences are overweight and obesity, food poisoning and different eating disorders such as ulcer or gastritis. It’s my firm conviction that speaking about our health we don’t face different choices, but only test our determination and persistence of following a substantial meal program. The solution is to eat healthy food that means nourishing meals, organic food, products high in vitamins that will keep your metabolism in harmony. Try to spend some time on cooking home-prepared meal and it will produce visible results anyway.

Another significant issue is a sedentary lifestyle. There isn’t enough time that students can devote just to their body. It’s going without saying that any sports activities are the best way to burn calories up and to have a slim body. So, we should weigh up the options and take up exercises at least 30-40 minutes every day. Create your own fitness program and stick to it. Working out demands discipline and endurance, but it’ll make a good progress for our body.

середа, 22 квітня 2015 р.

Protecting natural habitat

“Modern technology owes ecology an apology” said M. Eddison.
Modern-day Ukraine isn’t an exception. We should remember that if we continue neglecting the duty of protecting the environment it will lead to dire consequences and environmental catastrophe. That’s why the daunting task for all Ukrainian society has to be the  preserving of healthy environment. We must get down to improving green policies by finding groundbreaking solutions to make our country healthier till 2030.
To start with, we should analyze the existing environment and clearly understand its problems. In my opinion, the most important issue, which could become considerable difficulty for us to be changed, is saving energy. The consumption of energy is too high in Ukraine. Most of all, it’s because of great part of heavy industry, which is actually one of the basic economical branches of Ukrainian industry. It produces steel, paper, plastic and aluminum, which are the most widespread materials, and use a lot of energy. What is more, heavy energy using as a fuel coal, produces harmful CO2 emissions.

 As a result there is  an air pollution, that has influence on destruction of the ozone layer, and the coal basin is gradually decreasing as well, and it’s likely that it’ll run dry soon. Moreover, a great amount of energy needs for supplying office-buildings, homes and constructions of light industry and others.
I take the view that we have to introduce such methods of conserving energy as minimizing the usage of non-renewable resources and switch to the alternative energy resources. For this point, we should imitate the experience of  West European countries where eco-friendly ways of producing energy have been investigating and studying for a couple of years.

Ukraine has rich natural resources and good natural conditions that allow us to save them and make our natural habitat healthier. For instance, we can build offshore wind farms at seas, then we may maximize using of nuclear energy, provisionally modernizing the appliance of nuclear station in order to avoid explosion such as it was in Chernobyl or try to use solar energy, for example, in spring and summer.

One more solution we can find on landfill, I mean it in a figurative sense. Today it’s possible to recycle waste and use it again in different purposes. By doing in such way, we can get good results as there would be less toxic substances, which are emitted into the air and soil, and pollute them too. Also, we have to use non-carbons technologies to reduce our carbon footprint , cut down over polluting or try to pump it deep underground and stop carbon dioxide emission.
Speaking about vehicle emission, hybrid cars could be a good alternative, but it’s too expensive. Why not try to use such environmentally-friendly kind of transports as bicycle for everyday occasions at least?
Another good point is eco-home. Honestly think, it’s hardly to believe, but there are some models of eco-villages in the world. We can easily take the basic principles of their lifestyle. Nevertheless, it’s only a rough idea and it demands a lot of efforts and money, of course.
It’s my firm conviction, if we don’t start defending our resources and nature, there will be nothing to use in future. All in all, people have to be ready to change their way of life, take care of the Earth and it will take care of us and future generations.


After passing all exams, I decided to take my time and recharge my batteries after hard studying. I made up a decision to lazy around und undergo the charming atmosphere of my town.  As it turned out it wasn’t just a walk for me. This story took place in the park in my native town. Not far away from me there were a girl and a boy. Let me name them Sophie and Andrew. Sophie was a pretty girl with long sleek auburn hair, round face with freckles and lovely complexion. As for me she bore a striking resemblance to famous actress Rachel Weisz. Andrew also looked as handsome and portly gentleman with dark hair and broad shoulders. Their things were going badly wrong.
They were continuing this argue, accusing each other in behaving indifferent, hurting each other feelings. It appeared to me that it was their last conversation, but it fell out that their conversation went on another way.
This conversation helped me to understand that if you hold somebody dear, you shouldn’t split up right away. The thing is that we have to pluck up the courage, be patient and help each other as we all make mistakes. What’s more important that we have to appreciate such people in our life.

понеділок, 2 лютого 2015 р.

His Story

In modern-day Ukraine peace is the most urgent phenomenon. The all-out war that is going on now hasn’t broken out suddenly. From the early beginning of its independence there are a lot of difficulties which as we can see today were the recipe for disaster and caused chaos in our country. Is it possible to avert war when you stand up for your liberty and sovereignty?
Looking back in the past, Mahatma Gandhi is the historic figure that is interesting for me because, it may sounds strange, but his battle was peaceful. M. Gandhi was a great human that gain new knowledge, kind of teaching called gandhism.

M. Gandhi got higher education in Britain in 1891 and then came back home to serve his country being not a soldier, but a politician armed with good word and hoped to make useful contributions in the development of India. The most important thing that he had, his life, he devoted to the most difficult thing I mean fight for freedom and independence of his country. He wanted British Empire took his nation seriously using peace talks in order to ensure that India was strong enough to build its own democracy and live in peace. He said that an eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. That’s why he offered resistance in a peacekeeping way, trying to avoid the horror of war. He had a great support from Indians as his lifestyle wasn’t as one of typical politician. Indians described Gandhi as the father of the nation and he lived like they. For instance, he lived modestly, ate simple vegetarian food and wore the traditional Indian clothes and therefore, he was aware of the main concerns of the nation.
Gandhi had a brilliant success applying the practice of non-violence to defeat and overturn unjust laws that existed in South Africa.

“Non-violence and truth are inseparable and presuppose one another”.

Non-violence was his main weapon against the British rule and he did his best to find effective ways with the assistance of which people would reach a compromise in diverse situations, but not declaring a warI take the view that this man is a symbol of peace, because his way of discovering the truth is a fundamental step to a lot of historical events that have made change in our society. It is said that the Dr. Martin Luther King concept, the Polish trade union ”Solidarity”, the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia and soviet dissidents are encompass some branches of non-violence philosophy considerably.

Moreover, Euromaidan also began as a peaceful protest as Ukrainians want to have a say in deciding our country’s future. It’s my firm conviction ideas of M. Gandhi can make good progress in each conflict, but it’ll cost a lot of efforts, as non-violence, which is the quality of the heart, can not come by an appeal to the brain” (M. Gandhi).

On move!

Dear Victoria,
I’m writing this letter to tell you about my new life in America. There are a lot of changes since I’ve visited you.
To start with, I was afraid of immigration, because it was known about animosity towards economic migrants and prejudice against their culture. Besides, I was worried about health inspection, especially when I heard about walk at Ellis Island where doctors examine you and decide can you or not enter the country. Fortunately, it was OK. To be honest, after health and legal inspection I was vibrant and ready for something new and thrilling. Actually, almost everything what had happened to my family has made a change.
Lowest East Side is the place where we’ve settled, namely we live in tenement apartment building which has five floors and contains eighteen families as average. Our apartment has three rooms such us kitchen, bedroom and a big room. Speaking about facilities, there is cold water and gas lightening, but there wasn’t any stove, so it was the first thing we’ve bought. I remember you were telling about burekas with meat that your mum cooks and now our families taste them too. Try to add some cheese-it’s delicious!

 My father got down to earning some money and today we have a small store. It brings not a large income, but the steady one. I also do my bit as an assistant here. Frankly speaking, it’s difficult to get accustomed to combining a job and studying, so it happens that I burn the midnight oil and cram in order to pass my exams and don’t fall behind with knowledge.
Needless to say, that the first few months were like a huge cultural shock, although there is our big ethnic minority and we still undergo its support. On the other hand, I recognized the need for integration and therefore I usually go to the Nicklodeon with my families, where we enjoy listening to American music and watch movies with Charlie Chaplin. We get much out of such evenings as they help us to get away from all duties and get the hang of American culture as well.
All in all, everything sorts itself out, although sometimes I feel nostalgia for my native country and friends. I hope my new life in America will be interesting and stunning in any case. What about you? I hope to read good news from you soon. Say hello to your family!

Molly Kiraly